Friday, 5 October 2012

Sinister Trailer

This trailer uses many conventions of a horror film and is highly scary. It starts with an establishing shot of the main house to show the setting of the film. It uses the cvonvention of '9 months later' to shows a new family is comig into a house with old horrors. The lighting all throughour this trailer is very dark through low key lighting to create a dark mood with shadows to make the film eerie. The main plot is with discovered camera tapes and these are typically found in the attic of the house. the attic connatets darkness and mystery so this setting is used for when the main man watches the disturbing images. The characters themselves jump at the images seen like an audience memeber would, whioch connects the audince to the film mamking them feel more involved and thus; more scared. Also the tagline of 'once you see him' induces a fright because we know from watching this that once you see this creature you become possesed. Due to this we feel that as soon as we as the audince see him, we too could become possessed whioch is what makes this trailer highly frightening. The editing is slow at the start of the trailer as the story is building and the plot is being out into place. However when the plot in unveiled and the fear becomes more intense the edting becomes quicker to match the pace of your heart. It becomes more tense to match the characters mood becoming more fearful. However at the end, the editing stops, we see a creepy few seconds of children possed and then a quick flash image of the creatures comes down and then the railer cuts out. This is to give us a jump and create fear from this creature. It leaves us on a cliffhanger w3anting more and to see this film. The diegetic sound gives us the background to the families story and why they are there. The diegtic is scarce as a lot of action takes place in this trailer and speech is not too nesscary. the speech very much needed is from the man telling them the information about the creature and this is over non-diegetic music used throughout. The non-diegetic music is used for nearly the entire trailer to give a creepy tone to the film. When the image of the creature comes up, a static scratching is heard for a split second to make us cringe. The other music is deep, scratchy and hollow to stay withing the conventions of the genre. it is hard to listen to, to put the audience on edge. A pre-determind audience is used from the the shot saying 'from the creatures of paranormal activity and insidious' so people who have previously watched and like this films are likely to watch this also.

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