Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Scream 4 Magazine Cover

This Scream cover comes from the horror magazine of HorrorHound. It is featured on the front page of a horror magzine so this implies the film is one of horror as critics of HorrorHound believe it is front page material. The state it is a 'HorrorHound Retrospective' inducing the 'two-step flow audience theory' showing of to their horror audience that this is a horror film worth watching. The picture featured is of the killer in cartoon style to give a fake side to him due to his rubber mask. It gives the audience an idea of the film and plays on the previous 'screams' that the mask is involved again. The mask is an iconography. The background behind him is of fire connotating pain and fear to reinforce the horror of the scream murderer. These colours are surprisingly bright for a horror character but still have the same effect as a dark background because of what fire connotates. The picture is a medium close-up to show the horror of the mask and also the gown he wears to cover himself up so no-one has any clue as to who it is. It gives the film mystery. there is also the iconography of the knife used a weapon. This is feauted huge in the foreground to show what is being used in the film and to make the audience stand back to look at this. This links with the poster used for this campaign as it includes the iconography of the mask and shows clearly that ghostface is involved yet again. Also the title is in red and white and this links with the poster as the title is white on the poster to contrast with the black background. On this magazine cover the title in white is on a black background to also make a contrast and to make is stand out against ghostface so the audience know what film is advertised.

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